Categoría «C» Convocatoria 894 de 2021 de MinCiencias

Lider. José Alfredo Camargo

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Consolidar investigaciones en el área de ciencias básicas e ingeniería, desde una mirada interdisciplinaria para generar conocimiento y nuevas alternativas de desarrollo científico-tecnológico en la región y el país.


José Alfredo Camargo Martínez

Línea de Investigación: Física del estado sólido y cálculos ab-initio.

Work email:

Phone: (57) 3187489106

I am a Physicist (UPTC, 2007) with Master and Doctoral degree in Sciences (Physics) from CINVESTAV Mexico. My area of development and research is state solid physics, Ab-initio density-functional theory, calculation of structural, electronic and magnetics properties in compounds, surfaces and interfaces. I am an expert in the Wien2k code. I have an analytical and critical attitude in the study of physical systems and experience in formulation of research projects.

Research line: State solid physics and Ab-initio calculation

Research Experience:

  • Ab-initio density-functional theory
  • Material physics – superconductors

Lady Johana Correa Higuera

Línea de Investigación: Fitoquímica y bioprospección.

Work email:

Phone: (57) 3135649407

Food chemistry (UPTC) whit master’s degree in design and process management (Unisabana) specializing in food technology. PhD degree on Science in Biotic Product Development (IPN México) whit emphasis in plant biotechnology focused on in vitro tissue culture and study of secondary metabolites biosynthesis.

Research line: Phytochemistry and bioprospecting

Research Experience:

  • Phytochemistry.
  • Secondary metabolites production on in vitro plant systems.

Erika Yazmín Soto Gómez

Línea de Investigación: Física del estado sólido: Propiedades de transporte en sistemas moleculares

Work email:

Cell: (57) 3114425500

Physicist from UPTC, 2006. Master of science (Physics). Teacher and researcher in Physics.

Research line: State solid physics and Ab-initio calculation

Research Experience:

  • Ab-initio density-functional theory
  • Material physics – superconductors
  • Synthesis of materials through abnormal glow discharge

Dairo Díaz Tovar

Línea de Investigación:  Ingeniería de procesos agroindustriales.

Work email:

Phone: (57) 313 8306859

I am chemist, specialist in environmental assessment and management. I am currently studying Environmental Engineering. My work topics are the environmental catalysis, nanomaterial, biomaterials, biofuels. Now, I am working with a research project called “Nanomaterial’s synthesis of nanostructure silica from rice husk”.

Research line: Agroindustrial process engineering

Research Experience:

  • Synthesis of silver nanoparticles on an aluminum cermet.
  • Nanomaterial’s synthesis of nanostructure silica from rice husk

Fernando A. Trujillo Suárez

Work email:

Phone: (57) (8) 6320700

Cell phone: 3158247928

Food Engineer from the Salle University of Colombia, Master in Quality and Integral Management from the Santo Tomás de Aquino University of Bogotá, Colombia. I have carried out research in evaluation and bromatological analysis of agri-food raw materials, process engineering; Especially in the development of food drying methods and their evaluation in the thermal efficiency of said processes. Also in integrated management systems applied to the educational sector. Additionally, I have been advancing projects on issues related to food safety and the application of quality management models and integrated systems. I have been teaching classes at public and private universities for 18 years, serving as coordinator of the Food Engineering program and Quality Coordinator. In addition, I have carried out consultancies and projects in the agro-industrial area in parallel.

Research Experience (specific topics):

  • Evaluation and bromatological analysis of agro-alimentary raw materials.
  • Process engineering.
  • Integrated quality management systems.